April is anxious to hear your input!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


April understands that their are medical and unique cases in which abortion provides the best option, but April believes abortion is still the taking of a life and should not be taken casually.

Deficit Spending
April acknowledges that spending money we don't have is only digging a deeper hole. April believes the solution lies in renewing the economy by creating jobs.

Wall Street Bail-outs
Corporate America has too much power. April believes in representing the people and feels that the people are not and should not be responsible for Wall Street's financial losses, especially when the average American is struggling financially themselves.

Foreign Reliance
April feels we are becoming to dependent on foreign countries. In the Middle East we are reliant for oil, we import an abundant amount of products from China, and we send a number of jobs to Mexico. America needs to learn to be independent. 

1 comment:

  1. I am interested in your ideas about making the United States more self reliant. How do you see our country might do this?
