April is anxious to hear your input!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Job increase
Jobs being sent to Mexico does not benefit the working class of America. Job unemployment rate in Iowa for August was 6.8% .  While it is true that by sending the jobs oversea manufacturers are able to send the products for less, if Americans are actually working they will be able to afford the products and the increase in prices will eventually balance. If we become independent as a nation the economy will improve, but in order to improve the economy we need to fix the basics. We need to bring jobs back to America. April will try to pass a bill that will place extremely high taxes on companies who manufacture outside of the Unites States. This way companies will not have any economic lures to shipping American jobs oversea. If companies that are already set up oversea choose to remain there, that will provide extra tax money for other improvements.

Same Sex Marriages
April believes a persons sexuality is a completely personal decision and regardless of whether an individual is in favor or against homosexuality, those individuals have the right to the personal decision and should be able to live how they choose. Same sex marriage does not do any harm to other people and does not affect anyone's life beside those individuals who would otherwise be fighting for the right to be married to the person they love.

Kids Well Being
April would install a zero tolerance bill for negligent parents. The youth is the future and if they are not being raised by competent individuals, they will likely not be competent to be parents either. Children need exposure to positive role-models. April would like to see orphanages improve and foster care regulations to be heightened.

Teachers Benefits
Teachers are the ones who are educating our youth and future. April believes a great teacher is very powerful in a student's life and because of that feels teachers should receive better health care benefits and salary increase in order to draw those who would make great teachers into this career field. This would mean a tax increase to pay for this, but April believes the investment in the youth is worth it. 

April's passion for nature sparks her desire to protect it. She wants to work to protect animals and conserve prairie lands and woods. Iowa is famous for the corn fields, but it is important to have trees so the soil isn't eroded away. Also, corn fields do not offer homes for wildlife.


  1. What about administrator benefits? Are you pro exercise? You appear to be a person who keeps in good shape, ever try P90X?

  2. I would like to have you expand alittle on your views for kids well being. Will you expand the resources that human services need to keep kids safe in unsafe domestic situations? Can we afford to spend money on good social workers to do this job well?

  3. Mr. Holloway, yes if the benefits for administration are lacking, but I do not want those in control of salaries paying subordinates less and themselves more. Yes teachers and students should be active and have options such as P90X and yes I have tried P90X before. It is a very challenging workout that provides great benefits such as stress relief and better fitness.

  4. Mrs. Musselman, you have made a great point about social workers. Investment in children, who are our future, is a great decision. If a tax increase is needed for the pay then that is what will need to be done, but their are other options such as fundraisers, charities, or benefits.
